The Question of Ideology in Marxism (110518)

Χρυσούλα Μητσοπούλου


The issue of “ideology” in Marxist theory  110518

The course deals with certain landmarks in the history of the concept of “ideology”, focusing on basic moments in its discussion  within the Marxian thought and more broadly the Marxist theoretical tradition. It provides an analysis of the multiple meanings of the concept within this  tradition and attempts to  chart its various definitions, putting emphasis on the difference between a broad-neutral and a more narrow-negative conception of ideology. It addresses certain nodal questions arising in the relevant discussion: the relationship between ideology and science, the specificity of ideology vis-a-vis other forms of social consciousness (worldview, religion, philosophy), the questioning of the treatment of ideology as a “system of ideas”, the notion of the “ruling ideology”, the historical character of the nature and function of ideology, the proclamation of the “end of ideology” as a form of ideology par excellence. 


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